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Virtual Art Exhibition

Astaka Atelier


Astaka is a romanticization of both physical and virtual spaces which each student has to utilize creatively due to the current pandemic situation rendering the faculty’s studio space unable to be used. Each student has successfully carried out their art making activities in their respective spaces. Although smaller in size, having to establish such space embodies the essence of having a personalized ‘Astaka’ at home. The ‘Astaka’ also extends to the virtual space that documents the processes that the students have gone through throughout the semester, such as lectures, critics sessions, preview sessions, final presentations and exhibitions. ‘Atelier’ on the other hand is a reflection on the student’s final year personalized studio within their space, which involves the process of creating, thinking, discovering, constructing, observing, evaluating and presenting in the form of artworks.

poster final final.jpg
QR CODE catalogue artstep.jfif
Astaka Atelier : gallery


Astaka and Atelier, on the strength of the collaboration highlighted by the students in their respective space, which indicates the physical space and virtual space also acts as a representation of the student’s magnification of their own space. To sum up all that has been stated earlier, it means the confinement of students in their respective spaces due to the pandemic, implicitly pushes the students to be more creatively critical in establishing a personalized space to be utilized to produce their series of artworks.



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